
Palliative Care Nursing in Romania

The Romanian nurses at Hospice Casa Sperantei have been unbelievable practice partners! Having formed a mentoring and collaborative relationship with them, both at a clinical practice and academic level, they continue to establish milestones including these areas and...

Cancer Nursing in Rwanda

In a unique model, nurses from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Children’s Hospital have been traveling to Rwanda to work with oncology nurses to improve cancer care. Rwanda, known as the “land of a thousand hills”, has a population of 10 million. The...

From Kigali, Rwanda

Today, October 7, 2013 is a momentous day in the lives of Rwandan midwives and midwifery faculty. Orientation is being held for 38 midwives who are embarking on the first bachelor’s program in midwifery. All of these students currently hold 3-year diplomas from the...

Nursing in Chiapas and Guatemala

Though GHDonline just concluded a thought-provoking panel discussion on the topic of nurse leadership in the field of global health, and I had intended to blog about that, I’ve since been in Chiapas and Guatemala, facing a face-full of new circumstances. And I can’t...

The Year of Advocacy begins….

Over the last few years, I have attended conferences and symposia on differing aspects of global health. These gatherings have been notable for the inclusion of panelists from a wide range of disciplines and experiences: advocates, anthropologists, bench scientists,...

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